

« 国际配舱运输正利船务 »


Air freight insurance
Arrange inland bonded transportation and local drayage to airport gateway
Visibility of cargo transportation process and history through our customer service oriented system
PROPER preparation of export and import documentation
Technically support for negotiating “Letter of Credit”
Cargo package and label
2).Air freight product

Thanks to the accumulated working experience during the past few years, our professional experts well understand ultimate request from customers even though they all choose to carry their shipment by air. Some need to transfer the cargo to the destination as soon as possible regardless of the cost; some care about both the time and price; while others want a best price even if a comparatively longer cycle times. So we diversified and personalized our airfreight products to meet variant requests .在业务操作上,在报价、配载、制单、货物追踪等环节上均有专人负责,采用客户与操作、单证对口的专业服务,将责任落实到个人,并实行“双重审核”,保证了信息、单证交换和反馈的及时迅速;下属报关行以其自身过硬的专业水平,保证了报关的迅速便利,退税单的核退及时。



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