Our on-line booking (E-Business Management Systems) is quick and effective for both our customers and ourselves. It also systemically checks that booking against customer-specific SOP rules such as ordered quantities, mode, cargo sizes, requested ship dates, etc. If an SOP rule is broken, then that booking is sent to the customer for approval or rejection.
Air Import Dept. of Bestway:
With an EDI system directly linked to China Custom’s system, a customs bonded truck fleet and a 4200m2 & 24-hours opening customs bonded warehouse; we are able to offer tailored services including easy pick-up, quick customs clearance, and time-definite delivery to our customers. We handle more than 4,000 tons air import shpts per month and has been awarded Class A warehouse certification since 2007.
Also we have been successfully approved for special license of transporting personal effects and boned exhibition goods by the approval of Ministry of Commerce of PRC. early 2005.
DSL has always devoted to strengthening its network and human resources management. Now we have set up a stable network at almost all the main ports of world. Our Sydney office charges all the logistics affairs within South Pacific area, including South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc. And our Shenzhen office covers Pan-pearl River Area in south China. Our head-office in Shanghai concentrates her attention on coordinating all the business of DSL.