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致力于为同行及公司提供国际快件解决方案、 派件遍布世界200多个国家及地区。凭借我们的专业与资源优势,为您提供安全可靠、快速准确的出货渠道,用最优质的服务,最优势的价格,给您提供更多的便利。公司将秉承“安全、快捷、高效、视客户满意为生命”的企业精神,紧跟世界现代物流发展潮流,将公司发展成具有高度专业化、网络化、信息化和国际化标准的现代物流企业。

1、企业文化 以人为本,精益求精,团结奋进,不断创新。

2、经营理念 科学管理,诚信经营,互惠互利,实现共赢。

3、服务宗旨 客户满意是我们服务的基本追求,为客户量身定做个性化服务,提供安全、快捷、准时的全方位服务。 4、经营范围 中港运输;国际快递、空运、海运;一般贸易进出口代理;物流方案设计。
core element of Unico's Air freight team service, is the ability to move freight by air, at any time and to any destination.
Air freight team manage s the movement of a single shipment or a complex freight management program, providing a flexible approach and a personalized service to all customers. A full range of time definite delivery and specialized services is available to meet specific requirements. Supported through our Preferred Carrier Program, we have Partnership agreements with 18 Major Carriers, which access to competitive pricing and capacity. We focus on
Closer relationships
Better quality solutions
More creative and innovative solutions
Stronger relationships with all trading partners
Clearer understanding of customer's markets and client needs
Greater competitive advantage
Continuous improvement
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