

« 深圳机场到马来西亚空运门到门集装箱运输 »

Point Lisa

过近30年的精心编织如今已遍布全球,网络经历了时间、能力、沟通等多方面的考验已完全趋于稳定、可靠和成熟。同时,翘运又是基于普货业务的国际货代网络组织GFG的会员,并参与了该组织开创初期的工作。翘运也是基于国际工程项目及超大件运输的网络组织WPG的成员之一,并积极参与了该组织的业务交流和共同投标等合作,在组织中发挥了重要作用。目前,翘运在全球拥有80多家代理,覆盖了除东非之外的全部口岸和绝大部分城市。优势航线已从北美、欧地、澳新、中南美等扩大到南非、西非、波斯湾、红海、日韩、南太平洋及俄罗斯等地,形成了海运进出口、空运进出口、当地公路、铁路、水路等立体交通运输服务体系,并将服务延伸到报关报检、多式联运、保税储运、物流加工等多重相关领域和第三方物流服务。 To meet the varying needs of our customers who have special shipping requirements, special equipment is used when either the dimensions or the nature of the cargo exceed ordinary limits. Types of special equipments include but are not limited to flat rake Containers, open top containers, platform containers, reefer containers, GOH (garments on hangers) containers, and heavy duty containers. With decades of experience in the transportation of oil and gas, the movement of bulky and heavy machines, and the trafficking of pleasure boats, among others, Helka has gathered a team of highly trained staff to perform duties such as lashing of goods, stabilization of bulky merchandise, assessment of cargo safety, stowage planning, route inspection, and compliance with local environmental restrictions. Coupled with a specialized delivery module that is tailored to each individual customer, a complete and timely site-to-site transportation solution is always available.
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