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customers-oriented services

为广大厂商节省物流成本!以此来协助客户应对竞争激烈,形势多变的市场。忠实通国际物流因应各海空运业界同行需求,专业提供珠三角地区和香港之间散货进出口货运专线服务,为广大同行悭钱、悭力、悭时间,我们在香港、广州、东莞、深圳用中港两地牌照吨车散货直拼,为客人减低运作成本,提高运作时效。将业务的精细化和综合化作为重要的战略部署。而精细化就是要为企业提供更贴身、更周到的服务成本控制更低;综合化就是要为客户提供供应链的全过程、多方位服务。我们不是只懂得运送货物的搬运工,忠实通国际物流更是帮助客户生意成功的伙伴。providing services including international and domestic shipping,trucking,import and export customs declaration,and foreign trade agency,etc.With our unmatched professionalism and customers-oriented services, we have won recognition and support from a wide range of customers, the logistic industry over the past years. We have also expanded our service from a pure ocean operator to Air, Ocean, Land carrier and Logistic provider; from a FCL contractor to a LCL consolidator; and one of the best known players in the industry.
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