柏林、布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、哥本哈根、都柏林、佛罗伦萨、里斯本、伦敦、马德里、慕尼黑、波士顿、坎昆、卸妆、芝加哥、考艾岛、拉斯维加斯、John Fredriksen – Net Worth $11.5 Billion, Cyprus
Norwegian-born John Fredriksen holds a Cypriot passport, lives in London and owns the world’s largest oil tanker fleet. He joined the shipping industry in the sixties when he started trading oil in Beirut, and bought his first tankers in the nineties. He is involved in container shipping through significant investments with the travel group TUI AG, a major shareholder in Hapag-Lloyd. Fredriksen holidays in Marbella.