We believe in the old adage," actions speak louder than words." And therefore, rather than reading what have to say about ourselves, we invite you to see our cooperating customers. After all, who better to tell you what you can really expect from our relationship. BLUE STAR,HENKEL,NORINCO,FIRMENICH,ALCATEL,UNILEVER,SHANGHAI DREDGING,which are all famous companies. To read on - and please fell free to inquire about others. We've got lots more......
From warehousing, to retail distribution, freight forwarding, air cargo, international quality control, online order management and more, you can count on Oceancircle International Logistics Co., Ltd. to keep you covered any time, ----- and everywhere.
So remember when you think Logistics think Oceancircle International Logistics Co., Ltd, we are a part of your team.拥有一批高素质的专业操作人员,多年从事国际物流方面的工作,能为客户设计一条龙的解决方案。艾比特具有强大的信息化开发团队,信息部开发了业内最专业的在线物流管理平台ibtLog,保障客户数据的安全、稳定、快捷,通过ibtLog平台,公司作业部门可准确无误的将包裹进行分拣,减少因为人工误操作而带来的丢包因素。ibtLog不仅能提高服务效率,而且可以快速追踪包裹的状态,一旦系统监测出包裹异常,ibtLog就会在第一时间将异常包裹的信息发短信或邮件通知发件人,并及时给出回复,可大大降低客户人工成本,凭借这一点,客户可快速主动与卖家进行沟通交流,防止因为物流交货问题使得收件人满意度降低。