无论货值大小都可办理电话和网上投保业务。如有货损,一定有赔偿。 要客户有:安利日用品、好迪化妆品、国光电器、大阳摩托、枫叶管业、精益空调、通用集团、科达电器等一大批国内外知名企业。 “安全快捷,帮你运达”是我们的服务承诺,“物增其值,货畅其流”是我们的服务宗旨。我公司竭诚为您提供全方面的门对门...
宏达物流通过全体员工的共同努力和客户支持、信赖下,不断得以发展和完善,凭借多年专业运输管理经验实际操作能有着严谨的运输组织,完善的经营管理,是一家供应链一体化专业型物流公司,业务范围涵盖了化工、日用品、机械、电力设备、家具、家电、建材、食品等众多行业。Customs System
We provide the best, fastest, most comprehensive customs services. We have set up our offices at Waigaoqiao terminal, Yangshan Port, Wusong piers. The offices are equipped with pre-recorded, customs declaration, inspection, and customer service staff, who carry out their duties effectively, clear the customs timely, give feedback quickly and finish the whole process in a very short time
◆ Cargo Insurance
We undertake all types of cargo insurance (maritime transport, road transport, air, etc.) with the co-operation with many domestic well-known insurance companies. Just a phone call, or an E-MAIL, we would be able to provide you with a full range of insurance documents. You can get more insurance policy benefits without additional costs!