貨運代理有限公司 是專門從事大陸←→台灣←→東南亞的海運、空運、快遞的物流公司。秉承著珍惜您的所托,風雨無阻,為廣大台商及貿公司提供服務。在海運方面,我們的優势:提供單證、商檢、税金,派送門對門一條龍服務,快速通關、單證、商檢、稅金费用全包、安全、及時、經濟實惠。
cargo handling volume increasing year by year, 1,760,000 mts in 2007, becoming influential locally in Lianyungang Port. We have and have being cooperated with and built up partnership with both world famous shipping companies and shipper companies, and more strikingly with Lianyungang Port. This greatly enhances us more and more powerful and competitive, and more reliable in profession and efficiency. Morever,we have good co-operator network from