2013-9-9 15:49:4
Since its inception, with safe and reliable operation of the quality, integrity and efficient service system won the trust of our customers, business development, steady growth for five consecutive years of Tangshan City Department of Transportation as "advanced unit of water traffic safety," and was "standard unit of water transport business" the honorary title. Both opportunities and challenges of competition in the market, "Oriental" Jiang Jijifahui own advantages, Wen Ding enlarge the scale and actively expand business areas to "good faith" business philosophy, combined with Jilei in the industry work experience, dedicated to new and old customers to provide first class service.一家集国内、国际汽运、铁路、航空运输、配送、信息处理于一身的专业化货运物流公司。目前,公司已能够承运整车零担(零担包括大小包裹、电脑、配件等)发往全国各地,在各大城市都拥有物流服务合作伙伴,已经形成了以衡阳为中心,覆盖全国各大城市的完善的物流服务网络。公司一直致力于物流网络的建设和社会资源的整合,大力降低运输成本,业务范围不断扩展,物流服务涉及到机械设备、食品、化工产品、日用品、医药、书刊、电子通信设备等各个领域。公司拥有大型运输车辆36台,协议车辆219台,驾驶员均有5年以上驾龄,有丰富的长途运输及短途配送经验。