

« quantity goods delivering黄埔老港报关海运专线到伊丽莎白港 »


Our registered capital is RMB 5.5 million. The office is located in 16F No.55 Hunan Road of Qingdao, which is near Qingdao Custom and CIQ. We have a high-qualified team,an advanced service and equipment facilities, and modern management system, and smart

network enables full support to customers and partners. With this several years development, the company make good cooperation with Carriers, Qingdao port, CY yards, Custom, and other relative departments,and established joint venture offices in Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Ningbo,Shantou,Lianyungang. The Company also can make special logistics plan according to special requirement of clients. With our help you can do business more easily.向所有客户提供进口、出口、三角贸易、多角贸易等方面的代理服务、货运及海运代理。公司本着诚信、效率、友好的信条,与地中海航运、中外运、中远及万海航运等多家国内外龙头船公司建立了长期良好的合作关系,可以为客户提供优惠的运价以及便捷的操作流程。同时对于没有进出口权企业的出口业务及报关,报检方面有困难的企业和个人,我公司可为其代理进出口业务、代理收结汇、出口退税、报关、商检(报验)、货物保险、代垫费用、FOB指定货的船务操作等业务。自公司成立以来,承蒙新老客户的信赖和支持,本着安全互惠互利的原则使本公司业务蒸蒸日上,运输区域和货代业务已遍及全国各个省市
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