Product advantages
Supporting rich resources
Containers are widely distributed in railways, ports, road freight yard, a huge number, can be called at any time. While the number of tank or tanker is relatively small, to be deployed, the choice of small.
Health pollution
Liquid bags for the one-time products, and the use of imported food-grade raw materials, the liquid does not produce secondary pollution, which can effectively maintain product quality.
Convenient transportation
The use of container liquid bag transport, easy to implement the public, iron, sea trio fast intermodal, door to door one-stop mode of transport, greatly improving the transport efficiency.
cut costs
One-time products, eliminating the need for cleaning, maintenance and other costs, and in the loading and unloading process greatly saves manpower and financial resources.企业精神:诚信、敬业、创新、高效。
(4)任何单件货物实重22~33KG,加收120元/件,超33KG不接, 单件体积超40KG货物不接
(5)(最短边+此长边)*2+最长边 不超300CM 80元/件 重复加收,单件重量超过40KG货物不接
超大件:(最短边+此长边)*2+最长边 大于300CM 小于410CM ,整票单件最低计费41KG。 拒收 拒接
超重超长附加费:任一包裹重量超过以下任一一种情况, 需加收1100元/Kg,此费用重复加收。
1)单件实重超过67K 2)单边长度超过265CM 3)(最短边+此长边)*2+最长边超过410 拒收 拒接
拒收货物 1.我司不承运的物品包括:仿牌,玩具,烟草,液体,粉末,食品,鲜货,药品,腐蚀性物品,易燃易爆军火武器等违禁品;如发现瞒报冲货,货物没收,不退货款。如我司未查出,由海关或航空公司查出,引起的所有责任由发件人全部承担;
2.美国海关认定货物是品牌货物或者如CE、蓝牙、HDMI/FDA/FCC/LACEY ACT/DOT( 不限于以上列举)等等认证得货物或者不符合美国进口要求的货物,发件人应于发货前提供相应授权书或者认证报告, 如未提供导致货物扣关甚至退运而产生额外费用,由发件人承担。(提供报告或者授权,海关认定报告或授权予实物不符或者是虚假,不合格,导致货物扣关甚至退运而产生额外费用,由发件人承担)