Air transport:
Air service is one of our main business , undertake import and export air transportation, valet booking, organizational charter, storage, documentation and customs clearance, and all other businesses. Our professional staff, with extensive experience in the air freight ensure that your cargo arrive at destination efficiently and safely. We have good cooperation in major airlines to ensure adequate space, and save your cost.
全國主要沿海港口設立了13家分公司和6家辦事處,形成了以深圳總部為中心,以黃埔、廈門、泉州、福州、溫州、寧波、嘉興、太倉、 京唐、天津、營口、重慶等港口為輻射點的沿海和長江內貿集裝箱運輸網絡,航線遍及華北、華東和華南,覆蓋整個中國沿海和長江中下游。