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科威特LCL/FCL shipping

2、熏蒸/消毒证: 中华、庄成、亚太、飞达,一天出证。
4、植物检疫证: 一天出证。
7、普惠证FORM A : 1-2天出证。量大价格优惠
8、产地证C/O :一天出证。量大价格更加优惠
9、各国大使馆产地证加签 :沙特,阿根廷,埃及, 阿联酋,科威特,巴西,黎巴嫩,秘鲁,墨西哥,土耳其,
伊朗,乌拉圭,智利,巴林,俄罗斯,卡塔尔,利比亚,委内瑞拉,哥伦比亚,玻利维亚,以色列,韩国 .
We has set up strong relationship with carriers in different Chinese sea ports like: MAERSK, MOSK, APL, MSC, CMA, CSCL, COSCO, OOCL, NYK, ZIM, RCL and EVERGREEN etc. We will suggest the best shipping solution for customer's choice.

We also could provide other competitive service by the worldwide network like:
Export/Import, Bounded Warehousing and Domestic Distribution
LCL/FCL shipping
Fully-integrated Door to Door services
Door pick-up, trucking, air, railway and sea transportation to China
Customs clearance
Domestic distribution
3PLWorldwide.Mainly our air freight services are done through Chinas three major airlines (China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines & Air China etc.

Our service including:
ü Customs clearance
ü Commodity consolidation
ü Domestic transportation
ü Conceal identity of true shipper or real consignee
ü Door to Door delivery (pick up, deliver to door)
ü Export Licence
ü Freight collect
ü Air freight tracking
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